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21 LA-SL Jean

GPS: 35.740175, -115.352343

Location / Airway

Location / Name

NEVADA:  Clark County

21 LS-SL Jean, Department of Commerce Site No. 22, on the Los Angeles-Salt Lake airway.  AKA Jean Airport

GPS: 35.740175, -115.352343

Contract Air Mail

CAM #4 Los Angeles-Salt Lake
Los Angeles-Las Vegas section
Route established April 17, 1926


Western Air Express awarded CAM #4 on November 1925


Observations and Notes



Airway Bulletin  No. 2, page 89, September 1, 1931
Jean, Nevada, Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 21, Los Angeles-Salt Lake airway. Three and one-half miles SW. Altitude, 2,800 feet. L shape, 60 acres, sod, level, natural drainage; two landing strips, 2,640 feet and 2,500 feet, both 400 feet wide. Directional arrow marked "21 LA-SL." Sage brush surrounds field. Beacon, boundary, and approach lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "1" (. — ). No servicing facilities.              http://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=md39015021076693;view=1up;seq=291

Airway Bulletin  No. 2, page 97, September 1, 1932           
Jean.—Department of Commerce Intermediate field, site 21, Los Angeles-Salt  Lake Airway. Three and one-half miles SW. Altitude, 2,800 feet. L shape, 60 acres, sod, level, natural drainage; two landing strips, 2,640 feet and 2,500 feet, both 400 feet wide. Directional arrow marked "21 LA-SL." Sage brush surrounds field. Beacon, boundary, and approach lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, clear. No servicing facilities.               

Airway Bulletin  No. 2, page 95, June 1, 1933       
Jean.—Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 21, Los Angeles-Salt Lake Airway. Two and one quarter miles SW. Altitude, 2,800 feet. L shape, sod, level, natural drainage; two landing strips, 2,640 feet N./S., and 2,500 feet E./W. Shed roof marked "21 LA-SL." Beacon, boundary, and approach lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, clear. No servicing facilities.

Airway Bulletin  No. 2, page 108, September 1, 1934          
Jean.—Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 21, Los Angeles-Salt Lake Airway. Two and ose-fourth miles SW. Altitude, 2,740 feet. L-shape, sod, level, natural drainage; two land strips, 2,640 feet N./S., and 2,500 feet E./W. Shed roof marked " 21 LA-SL." Beacon, boundary, and approach lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, clear. No servicing facilities.         http://hdl.handle.net/2027/mdp.39015021076693?urlappend=%3Bseq=1090

Air Commerce Bulletin Vol. 03 No. 12, Page No. 309, December 15, 1931         
21 LA-SL (Los Angeles-Salt Lake, Los Angeles-Las Vegas section) renumbered to 19 LA-SL (Los Angeles-Salt Lake City, Daggett-Las Vegas section.

Airway Bulletin  No. 655, June 24, 1929    
JEAN, NEV. Name: Site 23, Los Angeles-Salt Lake Airway (L. A.-S. L.)
Class: Intermediate. Rating. Owner and operator, Department of Commerce.
Position: Lat. 35° 44' 10"", long. 115° 21'; alt. above sea level, 2,800'; mag. var., 15° 49' E., 1929; annual decrease, 1'. Distance and direction from city, 3½ miles SW. of R. R. station.
Description: Size, see sketch; acres, approx. 60; shape, L. Surface, sod; gradient, level; drainage, natural. Landing strips, two, 2,500' x 400' and 2,640' x 400'. Marking thereof, none.
Obstructions: Sagebrush around field; engine house and beacon tower to NW. Marking (day), none. Lighting, none.
Marking and identification: Standard 100' white circle, none. Name on hangar or in field, none. Other marking, LA-SL—23 on engine house. Wind-direction indicator, illuminated cone on tower.
Lighting: Beacon, 24"" rotating, 6 r. p. m., 2,000,000 c. p., operated from sunset to sunrise. Boundary lights, surround field. Approach lights, 4 green at ends of runways. Floodlights for landing, none. Other lighting, none.
Accommodations: Personnel for servicing, none. Landing fee, none; storage, none. Hangars, none. Repair facilities, none; spares, none. Specification fuel and oil, none. Guard, none; fire apparatus, none. Quarters, in city; meals, in city. Transportation to city, none. First aid, none. Mooring mast, none.
Communication and signal equipment: Telephone, none; telegraph, none. Radio, none.


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