Department of Commerce intermediate field, site X2, Chicago-Twin Cities Airway. Two and one-half miles NE. Altitude, 674 feet. Irregular shape, 72 acres, 2,650 by 1,770 feet, sod, level, tile and natural drainage; entire field available. Directional arrow marked "X2 C-TC." Pole line to S., beacon tower to SW. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, flashing clear. No servicing facilities.
Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 6, Milwaukee-La Crosse Airway. Adjoins town to SE. Altitude, 845 feet. L shape, 22 acres, sod, level, natural drainage; two landing strips, 2,000 by 300 feet N./S., 1,600 by 300 feet E./W. Directional arrow marked "6 M-LC." Pole line to W.; beacon tower NW. side N./S. landing strip, at intersection of E./W. landing strip. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "6" (—.—). No servicing facilities.
Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 14, Chicago-Twin Cities Airway. Adjoins town to SE. Altitude, 845 feet. T shape. 35 acres, sod, level, natural drainage; two landing strips, 2,000 by 300 feet N./S. 1,000 by 300 feet E./W. Directional arrow marked "14 C-TC." Pole line to W. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon. 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "4" (....). No servicing facilities.
Hager City
Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 35A, Chicago-Twin Cities Airway. N. of Red Wing; ¼ mile SE. of Hager. Altitude, 713 feet. Triangular, 57 acres, 3,240 by 2,558 by 1,950 feet; sod, rolling, natural drainage; entire field available. Directional arrow marked "35A C-TC." Pole lines to N. and S., trees to S. and W., beacon tower to SW., two railroad semaphores to NW. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "5" (._.). No servicing facilities.
Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 31A, Chicago-Twin Cities Airway. N. of Red Wing; one-fourth mile SE. of Hager. Altitude. 713 feet. Triagular, 57 acres, 3,240 by 2,558 by 1,950 feet; sod. rolling, natural drainage; entire field available. Directional arrow marked "31A C-TC" Pole lines to N. and S., trees to S. and W., beacon tower to SW., two railroad semaphores to NW. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Bea- con, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic T (• ). No servicing facilities.
Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 21, Chicago-Twin Cities Airway. One-half mile S. Altitude, 882 feet. T shape, 40 acres, sod, rolling, natural drainage; two landing strips, 2,640 by 386 feet N./S., 1,991 by 386 feet E./W. Directional arrow marked "21 C-TC." Pole line, buildings, and trees to NE. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "1" (. _). No servicing facilities.
Department of Commerce Intermediate field, site 12, Milwaukee-La Crosse Airway. One-half mile S. Altitude, 882 feet. T shape, 40 acres, sod, rolling, natural drainage; two landing strips, 2,640 by 386 feet N./S. 2,000 by 386 feet E./W. Directional arrow marked "12 M-LC." Pole line, buildings, and trees to NE. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating with green course lights flashing characteristic "2," (.._). No servicing facilities. Teletypewriter.
, WI, page 165.—Oconomowoc Airport, municipal, rating. Three miles SE. Altitude, 880 feet T shape, 26 acres, sod, level, natural drainage; 2 landing strips, both 2,000 by 450 feet. Directional arrow marked "11 C-TC." Pole line to W. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-Inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "1" (.__). Servicing facilities.
Oconomowoc Airport, municipal, rating . Three miles SE. Altitude, 880 feet. T shape, 26 acres, sod, level, natural drainage; two landing strips, both 2,000 feet by 450 fe*>t Directional arrow marked "11 C- TC." Pole line to W. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights. Servicing facilities. TC." Pole line to W. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights. Servicing facilities.
Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 17, Chicago-Twin Cities Airway. One mile NE. Altitude, 800 feet. Rectangular, 60 acres, sod, rolling, natural drainage; two landing strips, 2,200 feet NE./SW., 1,895 feet NW./SE., both 400 feet wide. Directional arrow marked "17 C-TC." Pole line to S. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "7" (_..). No servicing facilities.
Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 8B, Milwaukee-La Crosse Airway. One mile NE. Altitude, 800 feet. Rectangular, 57 acres, sod, rolling, natural drainage; two landing strips, 2,200 feet NE./SW., 1.895 feet NW./SE., both 400 feet wide. Directional arrow marked "SB M-LC." Pole line to S.; beacon tower in SW. corner. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "8" (_...). No servicing facilities.
Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 5. Chicago-Twin Cities Airway. Two miles S. between two railroads. Altitude, 700 feet. Square, 40 acres, 1,320 by 1,320 feet, sod, level, natural drainage. Directional arrow marked "5 C-TC." Beacon and boundary lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "5" (. .). No servicing facilities.
Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 16, Milwaukee-La Crosse Airway. One-quarter mile SE. Altitude, 800 feet. T shape, 23 acres, sod, level, natural drainage; two landing strips. 1,645 by 400 feet E./W., U00 by 300 feet N./S. Directional arrow marked "16 M-LC." Pole line to N- and W.; beacon tower In NE. corner. Beacon, boundary, and approach lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing character- istic "6" ( ). No servicing facilities.
Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 24, Chicago-Twin Cities Airway. One-fourth mile SE. Altitude, 800 feet. T shape, 23 acres, sod, level, natural drainage; two landing strips 1,664 by 400 feet E./W.. 1,500 by 300 feet N7S. Directional arrow marked "24 C-TC." Pole line to N. and W. Beacon, boundary, and approach lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "4" (. . . .). No servicing facilities.
West Bend
Department of Commerce Intermediate field, site 3. Milwaukee-Green Bay Airway. Two and one-half miles E. along Highway 68. Altitude 850 feet. L shape, 68 acres, sod, rolling in south portion, natural and tile drainage; three landing strips, 2,000 feet N./S., 1,733 feet E./W., and 2,400 feet NE./SW. Directional arrow marked "3 M-GB." Pole lines and beacon to on N.; buildings to E. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction light Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "3" (. . . _). No servicing facilities.
Department of Commerce Intermediate field, site 11, Chlcago Green Bay Airway. Two and one-half miles E. along Highway 68. Altitude, 880 feet. L shape, 68 acres, sod, rolling in S. portion, natural and artificial drainage; three landing strips, 2,000 feet N./S., 1,733 feet E./W., and 2,400 feet NE./SW. Directional arrow marked "11 C-GB." Pole lines and beacon tower on N.; buildings to E. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "1" (. ). No servicing facilities.