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9 NY-B Bethany DOCILF

GPS: 41.439669, -72.992290

Contributors Photos

Courtesy of Jeff Stein April 2018

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Courtesy of Mark Scott July 14, 2018

Location / Airway

Location / Name

CONNECTICUT:  New Haven County

9 NY-B Bethany DOCILF
AKA Department of Commerce Intermediate Landing Field, Site No. 9 on the New York-Boston Airway,

GPS: 41.439669, -72.992290

Contract Air Mail

CAM #1 New York, NY to Boston


Contract for Mail Service, Route No. C.A.M. 1; Contract made 7th day of October 1925 to Colonial Air Lines (Inc.); Route: Boston, Mass., via Hartford, Conn., to New York, N.Y. and return.


Location / Airway

Location / Name

CONNECTICUT:  New Haven County

9 NY-B Bethany DOCILF
AKA Department of Commerce Intermediate Landing Field, Site No. 9 on the New York-Boston Airway,

gps: 41.439669, -72.992290

Contract Air Mail

CAM #1 New York, NY to Boston


Contract for Mail Service, Route No. C.A.M. 1; Contract made 7th day of October 1925 to Colonial Air Lines (Inc.); Route: Boston, Mass., via Hartford, Conn., to New York, N.Y. and return.


Observations and Notes


April 15, 2014 Paul Sudak writes:

At the site of the old Bethany Airport the concrete arrow is still intact but covered by a thin layer of soil. Bethany was a CAA intermediate field on the cam #1, New York to Boston run. The arrow can be seen in old aerial photos of Bethany on the old and abandoned airport site.

The Bethany airport was recently declared a Historic Site and a grant was received to restore the hangar next to the Arrow. The Hangar will be used as a community center and a section of it will be dedicated to the Airports history. Hopefully the Arrow will be uncovered and become part of the display. At this time the committee in charge wants to keep the Arrow covered.

March 25, 2016  Mark Scott writes:

We found an arrow in our town of Bethany Connecticut. It points the way between New York and Hartford. We hope to uncover the arrow this year and restore it. It is part of a larger community center build effort at the old Bethany Airport. See arrow and hangar pictures at the link provided. https://www.facebook.com/BethanyAirport/

July 14, 2018 Mark Scott writes:

A picture of the Bethany Arrow is attached. We have not acquired the funds to restore it yet.


Digital image © Connecticut State Library. All rights reserved. Images may be used for personal research or non-profit educational uses without prior permission.

Aerial Photo links:

Aerial survey of Connecticut 1934 photograph 04796
Bethany Airport located upper middle section

Compare Bethany Airport 1934 with present
Search any Connecticut address to compare aerial imagery from two time periods, side by side. Our default map displays 1934 versus the current satellite view
University of Connecticut Libraries Map and Geographic Information Center - MAGIC. (2012).Neighborhood Change in Connecticut, 1934 to Present.


Aeronautical Bulletin No. 83, November 1, 1923
Page 2, Information on B-Line landing field at Bethany, Conn.
CLASS.—Commercial. Owned by Mr. Harris Whittemore, Jr. operated by the B-Line Aircraft Co., under direction of Naugatuck Chamber of Commerce. Communicate with Mr. Harris Whittemore, Jr. 32 Terrace Avenue, Naugatuck, Conn.
POSITION.—Just southwest of Bethany,6 miles south of Naugatuck and 9 miles slightly west of north of New Haven; immediately west of the State highway. Latitude, 41° 26'; longitude, 73°; altitude above sea level, C80 feet; magnetic declination, 11° 30' west.
DESCRIPTION.—Average 1,500 feet north and south by 1,400 feet east and west. Contains 48 acres. Best runways north and south. Sodded, with good drainage; few rough spots being removed.
OBSTRUCTIONS.—Telephone wires to east and some trees to west and north; surrounding country largely wooded.
SIGNALS AND MARKINGS.—Circle marker in the center of the field.
ACCOMMODATIONS—Hangar at northern corner of field. Accommodations for personnel in Naugatuck or at New Haven.
REPAIR FACILITIES—Naugatuck for minor repairs.
STORES—Available on field.
COMMUNICATIONS.—Telephone on field; telegraph at Naugatuck.
REMARKS.- -Planes now operating from this field.
REPORTED —January 5, 1923, by James T. Hutchison, first lieutenant, Air Service.

Aeronautical Bulletin No. 362, August 20, 1925
Information on B-Line Field, Bethany, Conn.
CLASS.—Commercial. Owned by Mr. Harris Whittemore. Jr.; operated by the B-Line Aircraft Co., under direction of Naugatuck Chamber of Commerce. Communicate with Mr. Harris Whittemore, Jr., 32 Terrace Avenue, Naugatuck, Conn.
POSITION.—Just southwest of Bethany, 6 miles south of Naugatuck and 9 miles slightly west of north of New Haven; immediately west of the State highway. Latitude 41° 26', longitude 73°; altitude above sea level, 680 feet; magnetic declination, 11° 30' W.
DESCRIPTION.—Average 1,500 feet north and south by 1,400 feet east and west. Contains 48 acres. Best runways north and south. Sodded with good drainage; few rough spots being removed.
OBSTRUCTIONS.—Telephone wires to east and some trees to west and north; surrounding country largely wooded.
SIGNALS AND MARKINGS.—Circle marker in the center of the field.
ACCOMMODATIONS.—Hangar at northern corner of field. Accommodations for personnel in Naugatuck or at New Haven.
REPAIR FACILITIES.—Naugatuck for minor repairs.
STORES.—Available on field.
COMMUNICATIONS— Telephone on field; telegraph at Naugatuck. 
REMARKS.—Planes now operating from this field.
REPORTED.—January 5, 1923, by James T. Hutchison, first lieutenant, Air Service.

Airway Bulletin No. 25, May 1, 1927
9: Bethany, Conn. Intermediate field. Lat. 41° 26' 40", long. 72° 59' 45". Type D. See special Airway Bulletin.

Airway Bulletin No. 78, May 31, 1927
Page 2, BETHANY, CONN. Name: Site 9, New York-Boston Airway (NY-B).
Class: Intermediate. Rating, . Owner, Harris Whittemore, Naugatuck, Conn.; operator, Department of Commerce. Caretaker, none.
Position: Lat., 41° 26' 40" ; long., 72° 59' 45" ; alt. above sea level, 080 ; mag. var„ 12° W. (1927) ; annual increase, 5'.  Distance and direction from city, 1 1/2 mi. N. (375° true) of Bethany ; 9 mi. N. (335°) of New Haven; 5 mi. S. (169°) of Naugatuck.
Description: Size, see sketch; acres, 32; shape, irregular. Surface, sod; gradient, sloping; drainage, natural; SE. corner soggy. Landing strips or runways, none; whole field available. Marking thereof, arms on circle indicate best approaches.
Obstructions: Pole line, 30', E. side; trees, buildings, and beacon on field E. of marker; trees off S. W. corner; rocky mound W. of center; low, rough ground to NW.; 30' tower and buildings to N.; 35' silo to §7 Marking (day), none.Lighting, flashing red lights, 80-120 times per min., on pole line and tower on N.; fixed red lights surrounding beacon, houses and trees on E.
Marking and identification: Standard 50' white circle, with approach arms, in center. Name on hangar or in field, none. Other marking, " 9 NY-B " on feather end of arrow. Wind direction Indicator, illuminated, on beacon tower.
Lighting: Beacon, 24", rotating, 6 r. p. m., 2,000,000 c. p. Boundary lights, white on 3 standards and red on obstructions. Approach lights, green on 3' standards at best approaches. Flood lights for landing, none; other lighting, none.
Accommodations: Personnel for servicing, near by. Landing fee, none; storage, rates, . Hangars, one old wood, 60' x 70' x 20' clearance. Repair facilities, near by; spares, near by. Specification fuel and oil, near by. Guard, near by; fire apparatus, extinguishers. Quarters, near-by cities; meals, near by; transportation to city, busses. First aid, at Naugatuck; mooring mast, none.
Communication and signal equipment: Telephone, near by. Telegraph, near-by cities; radio, none.

Air Commerce Bulletin Vol. 2 No. 20, page 534, April 15, 1931
Site No. 9 NY-B Bethany, Conn., Characteristic: Dash, dash, dot (_ _.), Color: Green. (New York-Boston airway.—Course lights have been established and are in operation at this site)

Airway Bulletin No. 2, page 27, September 1, 1931
Bethany, Connecticut page 27.—Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 9, New York-Boston Airway. One and one-half miles N., 9 miles N. of New Haven. Altitude, 680 feet. Irregular, 33 acres, 2,000 by 1,375 feet, sod, level, natural drainage. BETHANY on hangar roof. Directional arrow marked "9 NY-B." Pole line lo E., trees to W., scattered buildings, Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flushing characteristic "9" ( -- .) Facilities for servicing aircraft, day and night. Teletype.

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