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CAM #26 Salt Lake-Great Falls

Salt Lake City UT-Great Falls; awarded National Parks Airways; CAM #26 Covers

Salt Lake-Pocatello Section

Map showing beacon stations along with known gps co-ordinates

Pocatello-Great Falls Section

Map showing beacon stations along with known gps co-ordinates


Day service August 1, 1928
Night service June 15, 1930

CAM #26 Airways (Airways are based South to North and West to East)

United States Congressional serial set. 9509. page 535; Contract for Mail Service, Route No. C.A.M 26; Contract made 30th day of December 1927 to Alfred Frank; Route: Great Falls by Helena and Butte, Montana and Pocatello Idaho, to Salt Lake City, Utah and return.

United States Congressional serial set. 9509. page 533; Subcontract for Mail Service, Route No. C.A.M 26; Contract made 6th day of April 1928 between Alfred Frank and National Parks Airways (Inc.); Route: Salt Lake City, Utah, to Great Falls, Montana and back.

Advertisement for the start of Airmail on August 1, 1928 by National Parks Airways

  Clipped from The Ogden Standard-Examiner, 31 Jul 1928, TuePage 7

 The Montana Standard (Butte, Montana) 18 Jul 1929, Thu Page 15

 Clipped from The Independent Record, 27 Jul 1930, SunPage 3

Air commerce bulletin Vol.1, No.2, July 15, 1929, page 26
Salt Lake-Great Falls.—Airways Extension Superintendent G. R. FitzGerald is engaged in completing the survey for intermediate fields and lights on this airway. Airways Extension Superintendent E. M. Haight has been temporarily assigned to make a flight inspection of this airway, with Mr. FitzGerald.
Air commerce bulletin Vol.1, No. 8, October 15, 1929, page 18
Salt Lake-Great Falls airway.—Work on the installation of lights will begin in about two to three weeks on the Salt Lake-Pocatello section. 
Ray I Hess and Eugene W. Rice are preparing proposals and specifications for the conditioning of intermediate fields on the Salt Lake-Great Falles airway.

Air commerce bulletin Vol.1, 
Salt Lake-Great Falls airway.—Construction work has been started on the Salt Lake-Pocatello section of this airway.;view=1up;seq=291 

Air commerce bulletin Vol.1, No. 12, December 15, 1929, page 12
Salt Lake-Great Falls airway: Contractor commenced work October 31, 1929, and has erected 7 towers out of a total of 17 required under the contract.;view=1up;seq=322 

Air commerce bulletin Vol.1, No. 22, May 15, 1930, page 18
Salt Lake-Great Falls airway.—Salt Lake-Pocatello section: Fifteen beacons have been put in commission, out of a total of 17. The major items were completed at all sites on March 4; and the contractor is now pouring concrete arrows, painting power-house sheds and engaging in other miscellaneous work. The contract will probably be completed about May 30.;view=1up;seq=570 


U.S. Navigation Chart No. 139 Pocatella Id to Butte Mont
U.S. Navigation Chart No. 140 Butte, Mont to Great Falls, Mont


National Parks Airways  Stearman  C-3MB   C6486  

National Parks Airways  Fokker Super Universal  C6880

National Parks Airways Time Tables

National Parks Airways on Wikipedia

 Clipped from The Independent Record, 13 Jun 1930, FriPage 5


 Clipped from The Ogden Standard-Examiner, 7 Aug 1931, FriPage 13


 Clipped from The Ogden Standard-Examiner, 9 Apr 1933, SunPage 6



CAM # 1  |  CAM # 2  |  CAM # 3  |  CAM # 4  |  CAM # 5  |  CAM # 6  |  CAM # 7  |  CAM # 8  | CAM # 9  | CAM # 10
CAM #11  |  CAM #12  |  CAM #13  |  CAM #14  |  CAM #15  |  CAM #16  |  CAM #17  |  CAM #18  | CAM #19  | CAM #20
CAM #21  |  CAM #22  |  CAM #23  |  CAM #24  |  CAM #25  |  CAM #26  |  CAM #27  |  CAM #28  | CAM #29  | CAM #30
CAM #31 CAM #32  |  CAM #33  |  CAM # 34