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CAM #2 St. Louis-Chicago

Robertson Aircraft Corporation April 15, 1926

This site provides historical information only, do not use for navigation purposes. 

St. Louis-Chicago Airway

Air Navigation Map No. 9; Chicago, Ill. to Iowa City, Iowa

Airway Map No. 110; St. Louis, MO to Chicago, IL

Maywood Air Mail Field 41.858333, -87.834740   Cook Co., IL
39 KC-C Hinsdale 41.747715, -87.915136 ME3011  
38 KC-C Naperville 41.708368, -88.082956 MF1330 Will Co., IL
37A Normantown     Will Co., IL
37B KC-C Joliet     Will Co., IL

36 K-C Yorkville DOCILF

    Kendall Co., IL
35 KC-C Sheriden     La Salle Co., IL
33 KC-C Prairie Center     La Salle Co., IL
32 KC-C La Salle DOCILF     La Salle Co., IL
31 KC-C Seatonville     Bureau Co., IL
30 KC-C Tiskilwa     Bureau Co., IL
29 KC-C Morse DOCILF 41.233694, -89.620418 MF1686 Bureau Co., IL
16 STL-C Camp Grove 41.090214, -89.638788 MF1687 Stark Co., IL
15 STL-C Edlestein 40.944692, -89.629492 LC1964 Peoria Co., IL
14 STL-C Hollis     Peoria Co., IL
13 STL-C Pekin DOCILF 40.490627, -89.666815   Tazewell Co., IL
12 STL-C San Jose     Mason Co., IL
10 STL-C Mason City DOCILF 40.146402, -89.658950 LC1944 Menard Co., IL
09 STL-C Athens 39.968304, -89.688639 KB1495 Sangamon Co., IL
Conkling Field / Lindbergh Field 39.824443, -89.720707   Sangamon Co., IL
06 STL-C Lowder DOCILF 39.558250, -89.862533 KB1516 Sangamon Co., IL
05 STL-C Palmya 39.426723, -89.920831 KB1466 Macoupin Co., IL
4 STL-C Chesterfield / Carlinville DOCILF 39.274576, -90.026423 KC0581 Macoupin Co., IL
02 STL-C Brighton 39.097602, -90.143888 KC0589 Macoupin Co., IL
02 STL-C Godfrey DOCILF 38.966185, -90.198376   Madison Co., IL
01B STL-C Alton 38.912500, -90.228333    
0 STL-C /01A STL-C Florissant      
 Lambert-St. Louis Flying Field 38.735834, -90.355446    


Original airway had 54' concrete arrows built under the beacon towers as shown in this airway bulletin. (link to bulletin: Airway Bulletin No. 154, August 16, 1927)

Latitude and longitude are for 1927 and not acurate on todays maps. Use with your own discretion.

C. A. M. Route No. 2. Chicago-St. Louis (278 miles) On April 15, 1926 the first mail was flown over route No. 2, which is operated by the Robertson Aircraft Corporation. Northbound trips are made every day except Saturday and Sunday; southbound trips are made daily except Sunday and Monday. Stops are made at Peoria and Springfield, and connection is made at Chicago from the New York and Chicago overnight air mail route. The landing field at St. Louis is the Lambert-St. Louis Flying Field, Anglum, Mo., which is also the traffic office. The Chicago terminal is at Maywood Field. Rebuilt Liberty-motored De Havillands are used on this route.

Airway Bulletin No. 154 August 16, 1927 St. Louis-Chicago Airway (STL-C) 277 Miles

Department of Commerce lights burn from dark to dawn nightly.

CAM #2 Airways (Airways are based South to North and West to East)

St. Louis-Chicago Airway

Airway Bulletin No. 1 page 29, Sep. 1, 1931 (beacon strip map)

Airway Bulletin No. 1 page 35, Sep. 1, 1932 (beacon strip map)

United States Congressional serial set. 9509. page 48; Contract for Mail Service, Route No. C.A.M 2; Contract made 7th day of October 1925 to Robertson Aircraft Corporation; Route: Chicago, Illinois, by Springfield, Illinois to St. Louis, Missouri and Return.

Air Commerce Bulletin Vol. 2 No. 16, February 16, 1931, page 425

St. Louis-Chicago airway, Peoria, Chicago section.—All beacons and intermediate landing fields between Peoria and Chicago on the St. Louis-Chicago airway, with the exception of the intermediate landing field, site No. 20, at Streator, Ill., have been discontinued, and new beacons and fields on a route running north out of Peoria 30 miles, and thence direct to Chicago have been placed in operation. The location and description of the facilities on the relocated route are as follows:








  Clipped from Alton Evening Telegraph, 14 Jan 1927, FriPage 2


 Clipped from Freeport Journal-Standard, 21 January 1927Page 1
Godrey Illinois: William L. Waters
Carlinville, Illinois: Josheph Wheeler
Lowden Illinois: Thomas J. Palmer
Mason City, Illinois: John Hubby
South Pekin: Illinois: J. W. Griffin
La Rose, Illinois: A. Ray Spamgler
Tonica, Illinois: Fred Schmitt
Morris, Illinois: J.C. Williams
Plainfield, Illinois: Day Brothers

 Clipped from Alton Evening Telegraph, 3 Feb 1927, ThuPage 1

 Clipped from Alton Evening Telegraph, 11 Feb 1927, FriPage 1

 Clipped from Alton Evening Telegraph, 15 Feb 1927, TuePage 1

 Clipped from Alton Evening Telegraph, 19 Feb 1927, SatPage 1

 Clipped from The Daily Free Press, 24 May 1927, TuePage 1

CAM Routes

CAM # 1  |  CAM # 2  |  CAM # 3  |  CAM # 4  |  CAM # 5  |  CAM # 6  |  CAM # 7  |  CAM # 8  | CAM # 9  | CAM # 10
CAM #11  |  CAM #12  |  CAM #13  |  CAM #14  |  CAM #15  |  CAM #16  |  CAM #17  |  CAM #18  | CAM #19  | CAM #20
CAM #21  |  CAM #22  |  CAM #23  |  CAM #24  |  CAM #25  |  CAM #26  |  CAM #27  |  CAM #28  | CAM #29  | CAM #30
CAM #31 CAM #32  |  CAM #33  |  CAM # 34

Arrows and Beacons may be on private property, DO NOT TRESSPASS!
This is a work in progress and will be constantly updated as new information is found.
Beacons arrraged the same as airway map.
DOCILF= Department of Commerce Intermediate Field