Department of Commerce, intermediate field, site 44A, Atlanta-New York Airway. Three miles NE. on N. side of railroad and highway. Altitude, 300 feet. Irregular, sod, rolling, natural drainage; entire field available, 1,800 feet E./W., 800 feet N./S. Directional arrow marked "44A A-NY." Woods to N. and W, pole lines to S. and E. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "4" (....). No servicing facilities.
Site No. 44A : Amelia Courthouse. Intermediate Field. Lat. 37° 21' 59", long. 77° 56' 15". Type C. ATLANTA-NEW YORK AIRWAY (A.-N. Y.)— 768 MILES Greensboro-Richmond Section—180 miles. Intermediate field with 24" rotating electric beacon, boundary lights, obstruction lights, etc., operated by generating set at base of tower. Caretaker in charge. The electric beacons are mounted on 50' steel towers. Arrows at the base of the towers point along the course to the northerly terminal.
Bland's Wharf
Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 5 Norfolk-Washington Airway. One mile NE. Altitude, 20 feet. L shape, 50 acres, sod, level, natural drainage; two landing strips, 2,250 feet N./S. and 1,990 feet E./W., both 600 feet wide. Directional arrow marked "5 N-W." Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "5" (._.) No servicing facilities;
Department of Commerce Intermediate field, site 5, Norfolk-Washington Airway. One mile NE. Altitude, 20 feet. L shape, 65 acres, sod, level, natural drainage; two landing strips, 2,250 feet N./S. and 1,990 feet E./W., both 600 feet wide. Directional arrow marked "5 N-W." Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "5" (. — .). No servicing facilities.
Site No. 42. Intermediate Field. Lat. 37° 11' 49", long. 78° 08' 49". Type D. ATLANTA-NEW YORK AIRWAY (A.-N. Y.)— 768 MILES Greensboro-Richmond Section—180 miles. Intermediate field with 24" rotating electric beacon, boundary lights, obstruction lights, etc., operated by commercial power; sun relay control. The electric beacons are mounted on 50' steel towers. Arrows at the base of the towers point along the course to the northerly terminal.
Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 42, Atlanta-New York Airway. Two miles NW. Altitude, 450 feet. L shape, 38 acres, sod, rolling, natural drainage; entire field available; two landing strips, 2,000 by 300 feet NW./SE., 2,000 by 250 feet E./W. Directional arrow marked "42 A-NY." Trees surround field. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "2" (. .—). No servicing facilities. Teletype.
Site No. 38. Lat. 36° 52' 50", long. 78° 40' 48". Type A. ATLANTA-NEW YORK AIRWAY (A.-N. Y.)— 768 MILES Greensboro-Richmond Section—180 miles 24" rotating electric beacon, operated by commercial power; sun relay control. The electric beacons are mounted on 50' steel towers. Arrows at the base of the towers point along the course to the northerly terminal.
Green Bay
. Lat. 37° 08' 36", long. 78° 18' 00". Type B. ATLANTA-NEW YORK AIRWAY (A.-N. Y.)— 768 MILES Greensboro-Richmond Section—180 miles Type B. 24" rotating electric beacon, operated by generating set at base of tower. Caretaker in charge. The electric beacons are mounted on 50' steel towers. Arrows at the base of the towers point along the course to the northerly terminal.
Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 8, Norfolk-Washington Airway. One mile E. Altitude, 150 feet. L shape, 38 acres, sod, level, natural and tile drainage; two landing strips, 1,750 and 1,600 feet, both 400 feet wide. Directional arrow marked "8 N-W." Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "8" ( . . .). No servicing facilities.
Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 8, Norfolk-Washington Airway. One mile E. Altitude, 150 feet. L shape, 38 acres, sod, level, natural and artificial drainage; two landing strips, 1,750 and 1,600 feet, both 400 feet wide. Directional arrow marked "8 N-W." Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "8" ( . . .). No servicing facilities.
Site No. 43. Lat. 37° 18' 10", long. 78° 05' 30". Type B. ATLANTA-NEW YORK AIRWAY (A.-N. Y.)— 768 MILES Greensboro-Richmond Section—180 miles Type B. 24" rotating electric beacon, operated by generating set at base of tower. Caretaker in charge. The electric beacons are mounted on 50' steel towers. Arrows at the base of the towers point along the course to the northerly terminal.
Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 39, Atlanta-NewYork Airway. Two miles S. of city on E. side of highway and railroad. Altitude, 600 feet. Irregular shape, 30 acres, sod, rolling, natural drainage; one landing strip, 2,500 by 254 feet, entire field available. Directional arrow marked "39 A-NY." Pole line to W., beacon tower to NW. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "9" ( .). No servicing facilities.
Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 48, Jacksonville-Richmond Airway. Three miles NE. Altitude, 300 feet. L shape, 75 acres, sod, level, natural drainage; two landing strips, 2,200 feet N./S., and2,000 feet NE./SW. Directional arrow marked "48 J-R." Woods to E. and W pole line to N. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "8" (_ . . .).No servicing facilities.
Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 50A, Atlanta-New York Airway. One mile S. of city, E. of railroad. Altitude, 134 feet L shape, 55 acres, sod, rolling, natural drainage; two landing strips, 2,100 by 860 feet and 2,000 by 600 feet; entire field available. Directional arrow marked "50A A-NY." Pole line to W., trees to N. and E. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic " 10" ( ). No servicing facilities.
Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 50-A, Atlanta-New York Airway. One mile S. of city, E. of railroad. Altitude, 134 feet. L shape, 75 acres, sod, rolling, natural drainage; two landing strips, 2,100 by 860 feet N./S., and 2,100 by 600 feet NE./SW.; entire field available. Directional arrow marked "50A A-NY." Pole line to W., trees to N. and E. Bea- con, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-lnch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic " 10" ( ). No servicing facilities.
Site No. 35A. Intermediate Field. Lat. 36° 33' 40", long. 79° 12' 00". Type C. ATLANTA-NEW YORK AIRWAY (A.-N. Y.)— 768 MILES Greensboro-Richmond Section—180 miles. Intermediate field with 24" rotating electric beacon, boundary lights, obstruction lights, etc., operated by generating set at base of tower. Caretaker in charge. The electric beacons are mounted on 50' steel towers. Arrows at the base of the towers point along the course to the northerly terminal.
. Intermediate Field. Lat. 37° 00' 10", long. 78° 29' 22''. Type D. ATLANTA-NEW YORK AIRWAY (A.-N. Y.)— 768 MILES Greensboro-Richmond Section—180 miles. Intermediate field with 24" rotating electric beacon, boundary lights, obstruction lights, etc., operated by commercial power; sun relay control. The electric beacons are mounted on 50' steel towers. Arrows at the base of the towers point along the course to the northerly terminal.
. 79° Lat. 36° 37' 40", long. 79° 03' 48". Type B. ATLANTA-NEW YORK AIRWAY (A.-N. Y.)— 768 MILES Greensboro-Richmond Section—180 miles Type B. 24" rotating electric beacon, operated by generating set at base of tower. Caretaker in charge. The electric beacons are mounted on 50' steel towers. Arrows at the base of the towers point along the course to the northerly terminal.
Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 53, Atlanta-New York Airway. Two miles S., on W. side of railroad. Altitude, 27 feet. Rectangular, 60 acres, 2,400 by 1,000 feet, sod, level, natural drainage; entire field available. Pole line and hangars to B., pole in SW. corner. Directional arrow marked "53 A-NY." "MARINE CORPS, QUANTICO, VA.," on hangars. Beacon, boundary, approach, obstruction, and landing-area flood lights. Beacon, 24-Inch rotating, with green course lights flashing "3" (..._). Facilities for servicing aircraft, day and night. Teletype.
Site No. 37. Lat. 30° 47' 25", long. 78° 48' 30". Type A. ATLANTA-NEW YORK AIRWAY (A.-N. Y.)— 768 MILES Greensboro-Richmond Section—180 miles 24" rotating electric beacon, operated by commercial power; sun relay control. The electric beacons are mounted on 50' steel towers. Arrows at the base of the towers point along the course to the northerly terminal.
Site No. 44B. Lat. 37° 24' 12", long. 77° 47' 06". Type B. ATLANTA-NEW YORK AIRWAY (A.-N. Y.)— 768 MILES Greensboro-Richmond Section—180 miles Type B. 24" rotating electric beacon, operated by generating set at base of tower. Caretaker in charge. The electric beacons are mounted on 50' steel towers. Arrows at the base of the towers point along the course to the northerly terminal.
South Boston
Site No. 36. Intermediate Field. Lat. 36° 41' 00", long. 78° 55' 30". Type D. ATLANTA-NEW YORK AIRWAY (A.-N. Y.)— 768 MILES Greensboro-Richmond Section—180 miles. Intermediate field with 24" rotating electric beacon, boundary lights, obstruction lights, etc., operated by commercial power; sun relay control. The electric beacons are mounted on 50' steel towers. Arrows at the base of the towers point along the course to the northerly terminal.
Department of Commerce Intermediate field, site 36, Atlanta-New York Airway. Adjoins city to SW., N. of Dan River. Altitude, 320 feet. Irregular shape, 64 acres, sod, level, natural drainage; two runways, 2,800 by 2,200 feet, both 400 feet wide. Directional arrow marked "36 A-NY." Trees to S. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "6" (_ . ). Teletype. No servicing facilities.
Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 36, Atlanta-New York Airway. Adjoins city to SW., N. of Dan River. Altitude, 320 feet Irregular shape, 64 acres, sod, level, natural drainage; two runways, 2,600 awl 1,400 feet both 400 feet wide. Directional arrow marked "36 A-NY." SOUTH BOSTON on watch house roof. Trees to N. and S. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "6" (_._). Teletypewriter. No servicing facilities. Department of Commerce radio marker beacon, characteristic signal "I" (. .), operating frequencies 260, 320, and 278 kc.
South Richmond
Site No. 46. Lat. 37° 28' 10", long. 77° 20' 45". Type A. ATLANTA-NEW YORK AIRWAY (A.-N. Y.)— 768 MILES Greensboro-Richmond Section—180 miles 24" rotating electric beacon, operated by commercial power; sun relay control. The electric beacons are mounted on 50' steel towers. Arrows at the base of the towers point along the course to the northerly terminal.
Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 52, Jacksonville-Richmond Airway. Two miles E. Altitude, 250 feet. Irregular, 75 acres, 2,223 by 2.252 feet, sod, level, natural drainage. Directional arrow marked "52 J-R." Pole line to S., trees to N. and E. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "2" (. . ). No servicing facilities.
Site No. 40. Lat. 37° 05' 10", long. 78° 24' 05". Type A. ATLANTA-NEW YORK AIRWAY (A.-N. Y.)— 768 MILES Greensboro-Richmond Section—180 miles 24" rotating electric beacon, operated by commercial power; sun relay control. The electric beacons are mounted on 50' steel towers. Arrows at the base of the towers point along the course to the northerly terminal.
Site No. 45: 8 miles NE. Winterpock. Lat. 37° 26' 15", long. 77° 37' 20". Type B. ATLANTA-NEW YORK AIRWAY (A.-N. Y.)— 768 MILES Greensboro-Richmond Section—180 miles Type B. 24" rotating electric beacon, operated by generating set at base of tower. Caretaker in charge. The electric beacons are mounted on 50' steel towers. Arrows at the base of the towers point along the course to the northerly terminal.