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New Mexico
18 Arrows and 14 Beacons

This site provides historical information only, do not use for navigation purposes. 

Arrows have light yellow background.

Photo from Google Earth
Yellow outline highlights the arrow shape
Arrow and Beacon Photos

Site Location

Air Mail Route #29 El Passo-Pueblo


Truth or Consequences Airport #29

New Mexico: Sierra County

AM # 29 El Paso to Pueblo
Varney Speed Lines Airway

gps: 33.237509, -107.268256

Truth or Consequences Airport #29 Web Page


Socorro Airport Beacon #16

New Mexico: Soccorro County

AM # 29 El Paso to Pueblo
Varney Speed Lines Airway

gps: 34.022064, -106.896631

Socorro Airport Beacon #16 Web Page


Black Butte #19

New Mexico: Soccorro County

AM # 29 El Paso to Pueblo
Varney Speed Lines Airway

gps: 34.420553, -106.739487

Black Butte #19 Web Page


Turn #20

New Mexico: Soccorro County

AM # 29 El Passo to Pueblo Airway
Varney Speed Lines

gps: 34.621391, -106.707868

Turn #20 Web Page


Crews Municipal Beacon #42

New Mexico: Colfax County

AM # 29 El Passo to Pueblo Airway
Varney Speed Lines

gps: 36.744585, -104.505636

Contract Air Mail Route #33 Los Angeles-Atlanta


57A SD-ELP Pratt / Rodeo Field DOCILF

New Mexico: Hildago County

CAM #33 Los Angeles-Atlanta
San Diego-El Paso Airway
Douglas-El Paso section
Southern Air Fast Express

National Geodetic Survey Data Sheet CF0312

gps: 31.928343, -108.995529

57A SD-ELP Pratt / Rodeo Field DOCILF



New Mexico: Grant County

CAM #33 Atlanta GA-Los Angeles CA
San Diego-El Paso Airway
Southern Air Fast Express

gps: 31.918610, -108.328478



Las Vegas NW #34

New Mexico:  San Miguel County

CAM #33 Atlanta GA-Los Angeles CA
San Diego-El Paso Airway
Southern Air Fast Express

gps: 35.651439, -105.148094


Maxson Crator #37

New Mexico:  Mora County

CAM #33 Atlanta GA-Los Angeles CA
San Diego-El Paso Airway
Southern Air Fast Express

gps: 35.996535, -104.927243


Noria #39

New Mexico:  Dona Ana County

CAM #33 Los Angeles-Atlanta
San Diego-El Paso Airway
Douglas-El Paso Section
Phoenix-El Paso airway
Southern Air Fast Express

gps: 31.821578, -106.777841


65 SD-ELP Columbus Field

New Mexico:  Luna County

CAM #33 Los Angeles-Atlanta
San Diego-El Paso Airway
Douglas-El Paso Section
Phoenix-El Paso airway
Southern Air Fast Express

gps: 31.824810, -107.632151

65 SD-ELP Columbus Field Web Page


68 SD-ELP Mount Riley DOCILF

New Mexico:  Dona Ana County

CAM #33 Los Angeles-Atlanta
San Diego-El Paso Airway
Douglas-El Paso Section
Phoenix-El Paso airway
Southern Air Fast Express

gps: 31.803015, -107.065224

68 SD-ELP Mount Riley DOCILF

Contract Air Mail Route #34 Los Angeles-New York

This Beacon is on Private Property! DO NOT TRESSPASS!

Obtain permission before attempting to view this location. Concrete pad at this site and new construction, consider this location destroyed.

Best just to view this site on Google Maps!

59B LA-A El Morrow DOCILF


CAM #34 Los Angeles-New York
Los Angeles-Albuquerque airway
Los Angeles-Amarillo Airway
Winslow-Albuquereque section
Transcontinental & Western Air (TAT)

gps: 35.021837, -108.403607


61LA-A Paxton Springs

NEW MEXICO:  Cibola County

CAM #34 Los Angeles-New York
Los Angeles-Albuquerque airway
Los Angeles-Amarillo Airway
Winslow-Albuquereque section
Transcontinental & Western Air (TAT)

gps: 35.038035, -108.116703

Arrow and location submitted by Ray Hawkins
November 23, 2015

63 LA-A

NEW MEXICO:  Cibola County

CAM #34 Los Angeles-New York
Los Angeles-Albuquerque airway
Los Angeles-Amarillo Airway
Winslow-Albuquereque section
Transcontinental & Western Air (TAT)

gps: 35.061033, -107.725418


Obtain permission before attempting to view this location. Concrete pad at this site.

63 LA-A McCartys

NEW MEXICO:  Cibola County

CAM #34 Los Angeles-New York
Los Angeles-Albuquerque airway
Los Angeles-Amarillo Airway
Winslow-Albuquereque section
Transcontinental & Western Air (TAT)

National Geodetic Survey Data Sheet CF0312

Best just to view this site on Google Maps!


64 LA-A Cubero

NEW MEXICO:  Cibola County

CAM #34 Los Angeles-New York
Los Angeles-Albuquerque airway
Los Angeles-Amarillo Airway
Winslow-Albuquereque section
Transcontinental & Western Air (TAT)

National Geodetic Survey Data Sheet FO1617

Best just to view this site on Google Maps!

Arrow and location submitted by Ray Hawkins
November 23, 2015

67 LA-A

NEW MEXICO:  Cibola County

CAM #34 Los Angeles-New York
Los Angeles-Albuquerque airway
Los Angeles-Amarillo Airway
Winslow-Albuquereque section
Transcontinental & Western Air (TAT)

gps: 34.984756, -107.148956

This Beacon is on the Laguna Pueblo INDIAN RESERVATION. DO NOT TRESSPASS!

68 LA-A Mesita Negra

NEW MEXICO:  Bernalillo County

CAM #34 Los Angeles-New York
Los Angeles-Albuquerque airway
Los Angeles-Amarillo Airway
Winslow-Albuquereque section
Transcontinental & Western Air (TAT)

National Geodetic Survey Data Sheet FO1695

Best just to view this site on Google Maps!


68 LA-A La Mesita Negra SE

NEW MEXICO:  Bernalillo County

CAM #34 Los Angeles-New York
Los Angeles-Albuquerque airway
Winslow-Albuquereque section
Transcontinental & Western Air (TAT)

National Geodetic Survey Data Sheet FO1422

gps: 35.056165, -106.794388


78A LA-A Dilia / Anton Chico DOCILF

NEW MEXICO:  Guadalupe County

CAM #34 Los Angeles-New York
Los Angeles-Amarillo airway
Albuquerque-Amarillo section
Transcontinental & Western Air (TAT)

National Geodetic Survey Data Sheet FN0578

gps: 35.135861, -105.084748

78A LA-A Dilia / Anton Chico DOCILF Website

Arrow and location submitted by Ray Hawkins
November 23, 2015

81B LA-A Cuerva DOCILF

NEW MEXICO:  Guadalupe County

CAM #34 Los Angeles-New York
Los Angeles-Amarillo airway
Albuquerque-Amarillo section
Transcontinental & Western Air (TAT)

gps: 35.107036, -104.408078



83 LA-A Muniz Canyon

NEW MEXICO:  Quay County

CAM #34 Los Angeles-New York
Los Angeles-Amarillo airway
Albuquerque-Amarillo section
Transcontinental & Western Air (TAT)

gps: 35.158573, -104.079614


84 LA-A Liberty Mesa

NEW MEXICO:  Quay County

CAM #34 Los Angeles-New York
Los Angeles-Amarillo airway
Albuquerque-Amarillo section
Transcontinental & Western Air (TAT)

gps: 35.166305, -103.855028


86 LA-A Tucumcari

NEW MEXICO:  Quay County

CAM #34 Los Angeles-New York
Los Angeles-Amarillo airway
Albuquerque-Amarillo section
Transcontinental & Western Air (TAT)

gps: 35.180971, -103.610212


87 LA-A San Jon NW

NEW MEXICO:  Quay County

CAM #34 Los Angeles-New York
Los Angeles-Amarillo airway
Albuquerque-Amarillo section
Transcontinental & Western Air (TAT)

gps: 35.186270, -103.410014


88 LA-A Bard

NEW MEXICO:  Quay County

CAM #34 Los Angeles-New York
Los Angeles-Amarillo airway
Albuquerque-Amarillo section
Transcontinental & Western Air (TAT)

gps: 35.199555, -103.179639


LA-A Grants-Milan Museum

NEW MEXICO:  Cibola County

CAM #34 Los Angeles-New York
Los Angeles-Amarillo airway
Albuquerque-Amarillo section
Transcontinental & Western Air (TAT)

gps: 35.166517, -107.898270

Grants-Milan Museum Web Page


63 LA-A Prewitt

NEW MEXICO:  McKinley County

CAM #34 Los Angeles-New York
Los Angeles-Amarillo airway
Albuquerque-Amarillo section
Transcontinental & Western Air (TAT)

gps: 35.362562, -108.046007

Prewitt #63 Web Page

arrow and Location from Steve Owen

64 LA-A Continental Divide

NEW MEXICO:  McKinley County

CAM #34 Los Angeles-New York
Los Angeles-Amarillo airway
Albuquerque-Amarillo section
Transcontinental & Western Air (TAT)

gps: 35.426851, -108.303227

Continental Divide #64 Web Page


66 LA-A Churchrock

NEW MEXICO:  McKinley County

CAM #34 Los Angeles-New York
Los Angeles-Amarillo airway
Albuquerque-Amarillo section
Transcontinental & Western Air (TAT)

gps: 35.529390, -108.606407

66 LA-A Churchrock Web Page


69 LA-A Gallup Airport

NEW MEXICO:  McKinley County

CAM #34 Los Angeles-New York
Los Angeles-Amarillo airway
Albuquerque-Amarillo section
Transcontinental & Western Air (TAT)

gps: 35.513182, -108.781732

69 LA-A Gallup Airport Web Page

Arrows and Beacons may be on private property, DO NOT TRESPASS!
ALL photos are copyrighted and may not be used without written permission, other than for personal use.
Arranged by CAM Route and Beacon #. This is a work in progress and will be constantly updated as new information is found.
AlabamaArizonaArkansas | California | Colorado | Connecticut | Delaware | Florida | Georgia | IdahoIllinois | Indiana | Iowa | Kansas
Kentucky | Louisiana | MaineMaryland | Massachusetts | Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Montana | NebraskaNevada 
  New Hampshire | New Jersey | New Mexico | New York | North Carolina | North Dakota | Ohio | Oklahoma | Oregon | Pennsylvania
Rhode Island | South Carolina | South Dakota | Tennessee | Texas | Utah | Vermont | Virginia | Washington | West Virginia | Wisconsin | Wyoming