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1 Arrow and 11 Beacons

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Site Location

Airway Bulletin #6
Feb 14, 1927

Peoria Regional Airport

Illinois:  Peoria County

40.662761, -89.680498


Dixon Municipal- Charles R. Walgreen Field

Illinois:  Lee County

41.837499, -89.444215


South Pekin #13

Illinois:  Tazewell County

40.490627, -89.666815


Scarboro #36

Illinois:  Lee County

41.786497, -89.020658



Vandalia #6B

Illinois:  County

38.988020, -89.165046


Gladstone #22

Illinois:  Henderson County

40.832483, -90.968946


Whitefield #29

Illinois:  Bureau County

41.233694, -89.620418


Chicago Midway Airport

Illinois:  Cook County

41.792632, -87.754278


Coles County Memorial Airport

Illinois:  Coles County

39.482411, -88.281614


Mount Vernon Airport

Illinois:  Jefferson County

38.318154, -88.860789


Quincy Regional Airport / Baldwin Field

Illinois:  Adams County



Greater Rockford Airport

Illinois:  Winnebago County

42.198609, -89.086027

Arrows were know to be at the following Illinois locations. If the intermediate fields had arrows, it is very likely that the beacons between fields also had arrows.
Happy Hunting.


Casey Airport, municipal, rating. One mile E. Altitude, 655 feet. Cross shape, 66 acres, sod, level, natural drainage; two landing strips, 2,320 feet N./S. and 2,000 feet E./W., both 500 feet wide. Directional arrow marked "13 B St. L-I." Pole lines to N. and S. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "3" (..._). Facilities for servicing aircraft, da; and night.


Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 7, St. Louis-Evansville Airway. Five miles S. Altitude, 500 feet. L shape, 75 acres, sod, slightly rolling, tile drainage; two landing strips, 3.056 by 660 feet E./W., 1,050 by 806 feet N./S. Directional arrow marked "7 St. L-E." Pole line to S and W, watch house NW. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-Inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "7" (_..). No servicing facilities. 

Department of Commerce Intermediate field, site 7, St. Louis-Evansville Airway. Five miles S. Altitude, 500 feet. L shape, 75 acres, soil, slightly rolling, artificial drainage; two landing strips, 3,056 by 660 feet E./W. 1.950 by 806 feet N./S. Directional arrow marked "7 STL-E." Pole line to S. and W., watch house NW. Beacon tower 300 feet W. of E./W. landing strip. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "7" ( . .) No servicing facilities. Department of Commerce marker beacon, characteristic signal "I" (. .). operating frequencies 302 and 278 kc. Teletypewriter.

Chesterfield / Carlinville

Site 4, St. Louis-Chicago Airway (STL-C).
Class: Intermediate. Rating, . Owner, Joseph Wheeler, 818 E. 1st St., Carlinville,Ill.; operator. Department of Commerce. Caretaker, Earl J. Wheeler, Route 1, Carlinville.
Position: Lat. 39° 16' 18", long. 90° 01' 06" ; alt. above sea level, 550'; mag. var., 4° 37' E., 1927; annual decrease 3'. Distance and direction from city, 3 miles NE. (56° true) from Chesterfield (not a p. o.) ; 7 1/2 miles W. (262° true) from Carlinville.
Description: Size, 1,320' x 1,320'; acres, 40; shape, square. Surface, sod; gradient, slight slope to NW.; drainage, natural. Landing strips or runways, none; whole field available. Marking thereof, none.
Obstructions: Telephone pole line 12' along N. and W. borders; 20' windmill in SE. corner; trees and houses oft to W. Marking (day), none. Lighting,
Marking and identification: Standard 50' white circle, yes. Name on hangar or in field, none. Other marking, " 4 SL-C" on roof of power house; illuminated directional arrow at beacon. Wind direction indicator, illuminated, on beacon tower.
Lighting: Beacon, NW. corner, 24" rotating 6 r. p. m., 2,000,000 c. p. Boundary lights, white on 3' standards. Approach lights, none. Other lighting, none.
Accommodations: Personnel for servicing, none. Landing fee, none; storage, none. Hangars, none. Repair facilities, at Chesterfield; spares, none. Specification fuel and oil, none. Guard, caretaker. Fire apparatus; extinguisher In power house. Quarters, in Chesterfield; meals, In Chesterfield. Transportation to city, none. First aid. at Chesterfield. Mooring mast, none.
Communication and signal equipment: Telephone, at caretaker's; telegraph, at Carlinville. Radio, none.

Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 4, St. Louis-Chicago Airway. Seven and one-half miles W. of Carlinville, 3 miles NE. of Chesterfield. Altitude, 550 feet. Square, 40 acres, 1,320 by 1.320 feet, sod, level, natural drainage. Directional arrow marked "4 St. L-C." Pole lilies to N. and W.; buildings NW. corner: 30-foot windmill SK. corner. Beacon and boundary lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "4" (. . . .). No servicing facilities. 

Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 4, St Louis-Chicago Airway. Seven and one-half miles W. of Carlinville, 3 miles NE. of Chesterfield. Altitude, 550 feet. T shape, 80 acres, sod, level, natural drainage; two landing strips, N./S., 2,627 feet E./W., 2,633 feet, each 660 feet wide. Directional arrow marked "4 SL-C." Pole line, beacon tower, trees and buildings on W., trees, buildings, and ditch to NE. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "4" (. . . .).


Department of Commerce Intermediate field, site 13, St. Louis-Evansville Airway. Two miles NW. Altitude, 400 feet. L shape, 85 acres, sod, level, tile and natural drainage; two landing strips, 2,640 by 660 feet N./S.. 1,980 by 660 feet E./W. Directional arrow marked "13 St. L.-E." Pole line and beacon tower to NE., orchard to S. Beacon, boundary, and approach lights. Beacon, 24-Inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "3" (. . . _). No servicing facilities. 

Department of Commerce intermediate field site 13, St. Louis-Evansville Airway. Two miles NW. Altitude, 400 feet. L shape, 65 acres, sod, level, artificial and natural drainage; two landing strips, 2,640 by 660 feet N./S., 1,980 by 660 feet E./W. Directional arrow marked " 13 St. L.-E." Pole line and beacon tower to NE., orchard to S. Beacon, boundary, and approach lights. Beacon, 24-iuch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "3 "(•••—)• No servicing facilities. 


Department of Commerce Intermediate field, site 10, St. Louis-Indianapolis Airway. Two and one-half miles N., of city. Altitude 598 feet. Cross shape, 50 acres, sod, level, natural and tile drainage; two landing strips,2,600 by 500 feet N./S., and 2,300 by 500 feet E./W. Directional arrow marked "10 SL-I." Pole line on E. and S.; buildings south; beacon tower on E. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "10" ( ). No servicing facilities. 

Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 10, St. Louis-Indianapolis Airway. Two and one-half miles N. of city. Altitude, 598 feet. Cross shape, 50 acres, sod, level, natural and artificial drainage; two landing strips, 2.600 by 500 feet N./S., and 2,300 by 500 feet B./W. Directional arrow marked "10 SL-I." Pole line on E. and S.; buildings S.; beacon tower on E. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "10" ( ). No servicing facilities. Department of Commerce marker beacon, operating frequency 278 kc, under construction. 


Site No. 83. Route No. 3.
Class: Intermediate. Rating. Owner, Jerry Keating, Route No.3, Muscatine, Iowa. Caretaker, Lester Zlegenhorn, Route No. 3, Muscatine, Iowa ; operator, Department of Commerce.
Position: Lat. 41° 19' 20"; long. 91° 02'; alt. above sea level, 550 ; mag. var., 5° 24' E., 1927 ; annual decrease, 3'. Distance and direction from city, 4 miles NW. (308° true).
Description: Size, 2-way field, 2,241' x 318'; acres, 17.6; shape, rectangle. Surface, soft sod; gradient, level; drainage, none. Landing strips, one, N./S., 2,241' x 318'. Marking thereof, by boundary lights.
Obstructions: Fence, 4', on N. end. Marking (day), none. Lightinig, none.
Marking and Identification: Standard white circle, 50', with bars indicating landing strip. Name on hangar or in field, none. Other marking, site and route numbers on roof of power house; direction arrow at beacon. Wind direction indicator, illuminated, on beacon tower.
Lighting: Beacon, SW. corner, 24" revolving, 6 r. p. nr., 2,000,000 c. p.; operated all night. Boundary lights, white on 4' standards. Approach lights, one green at each end. Flood lights or landing, none. Other lighting, none.
Accommodations: Personnel for servicing, none Landing fee, none; storage, none. Hangars, none. Repair facilities, none; spares, none. Specification fuel and oil, none.Guard, caretaker of light; fire apparatus, none. Quarters, none; meals, none. Transportation to city, none. First aid, none. Mooring mast, none.
Communication and signal equipment: Telephone, at caretaker's; telegraph, at Eliza. Radio, none.

Franklin Grove

Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 35, Omaha-Chicago Airway. Three miles SE. Altitude, 810 foot. L shape, 55 acres, sod, level, natural drainage; two landing strips, 1,980 by 660 feet N./S. and 2,125 by 622 feet E./W. Directional arrow marked "35 O-C." Pole line to N. and E, trees and beacon tower to E., trees to NW. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "7" (—. .). No servicing facilities. 

Department of Commerce Intermediate field, site 35, Omaha-Chicago Airway. Three miles SE. Altitude, 810 feet. L shape, 55 acres, sod, level, natural drainage; two landing strips, 1,980 by 660 feet N./S. and 2,135 by 622 feet E./W. Directional arrow marked "35 O-C." Pole line to N. and E.. trees and beacon tower to E., trees to E. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-Inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "5" (. — .). No servicing facilities. 


Site 2, route STL-C
Class: Intermediate. Rating. Owner and caretaker, William L. Waters; operator, Department of Commerce.
Position: Lat. 38° 57' 45"; long. 90° 12' 12"; alt. above sea level, 610'; mag. var., 5° E., 1927; annual decrease 2'. Distance and direction from city, 1 mile NW. (324° true). 38 57 45, -90 12 12
Description: Size, 1,320' x 1,320'; acres, 40; shape, square. Surface, sod; gradient, level with slight slope to NW.; drainage, natural to NW. Landing strips or runways, none; whole field available. Marking thereof, none.
Obstructions: Telephone pole line (10') along S. border of field; electric power line to beacon at SE. coiner of field. Marking (day), none. Lighting, red lights on pole line on S., flashing, 80-120 times a minute.
Marking and Identification: Standard 50' white circle; yes. Name on hangar or in field, none. Other marking, St. L-C/2 painted on roof of power house; directional arrow at beacon. Wind direction indicator, illuminated and mounted on beacon tower.
Lighting: Beacon, 24" rotating. 6 r. p. m.; 2,000,000 c. p.; operated all night. Boundary lights, white, on 3' standards, shown by stars on sketch. Approach lights, none. Flood lights for landing, none. Other lighting, none.
Accommodations: Personnel for servicing, none. Landing fee, none; storage, none. Hangars, none.
Repair facilities, automobile mechanic at caretakers; spares, none. Specification fuel and oil, none. Guard, caretaker available; fire apparatus, fire extinguisher in power house. Quarters, none; meals, none. Transportation to city. First aid, Godfrey, Ill. Mooring mast. none.
Communication and signal equipment: Telephone, caretaker's; telegraph, Godfrey, I1l. Radio, none.


Department of Commerce Intermediate field, site 5, St. Louis-Indianapolis Airway. Two miles NW. of city. Altitude, 635 feet. L shape, 63 acres, sod, level, natural and tile drainage; two landing strips, 2,640 by HOC feet N./S., and 2,100 by 765 feet E./W. Directional arrow marked "5 SL-I." Pole line on E., S., and W.; beacon tower in SE. corner. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "5" (. — .) No servicing facilities. 

Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 5. St. Louis-Indianapolis Airway. Two miles NW. of city. Altitude, 635 feet. L shape, 63 acres, sod, level, natural and artificial drainage; two landing strips, 2,640 by 600 feet N./S.. and 2.100 by 765 feet E./W. Directional arrow marked "5 STL-I." Pole line on E.. S.. and W.; beacon tower in SE. corner. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "5" (._.). No servicing facilities. 


(C-NY Site No. IB).—A 24-inch 2,000.000 candlepower rotating beacon has been established at this site, which is located 1 ½ miles northwest of Harvey. This light, which is mounted on a 51-foot tower, shows 6 rotations per minute. Beam elevation, 1 ¾ ° above horizon. At the base of the tower a yellow concrete directional arrow has been established, the bearings of which are: Forward (Chicago municipal airport), 347° azimuth true, 345° azimuth magnetic; backward (to Ford airport, Lansing, 111.), 127° azimuth true, 125° azimuth magnetic. The number " 1B " In solid black is painted on the rear slab of the yellow arrow. Standard red course lights installed on the tower platform flash a code: Dot, dash, dash (._ _).


(St. L-C Site No. 25).—A 24-inch beacon showing six rotations per minute has been established immediately adjacent to Joliet airport, located 4% miles west of the city in latitude 41° 31'; longitude 88° 10'; altitude 545 feet. Bearings of the directional arrow are: Forward 52° azimuth true. 49° azimuth magnetic; backward 233° azimuth true, 230° azimuth magnetic.


Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 3, St. Louis-Evansville Airway. One and one-half miles NE. Altitude, 465 feet. T shape, 50 acres, sod, level, natural drainage; two landing strips, 1,970 by 500 feet E./W., 2,000 by 500 feet N./S. Directional arrow marked "3 SL-E." Pole line and beacon tower to W. Beacon, boundary and approach lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "3" (. . . _). No servicing facilities. 

Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 3, St. Louis-Evansville Airway. One and one-half miles NE. Altitude, 405 feet. T shape. 50 acres, sod, level, natural drainage; two landing strips, 1,970 by 500 feet, E./W., 2,000 by 500 feet N./S. Directional arrow marked "3 SL-E." Pole line and beacon tower to W. Beacon, boundary, and approach lights. Beacon. 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "3 (..._). No servicing facilities. 


Site 20, St. Louis-Chicago Airway (STL-C).
Class: Intermediate. Rating . Owner, Fred Schmitt, Route No. 2, Tonica, 11l.; operator, Department of Commerce. Caretaker, Fred Schmitt.
Position: Lat. 41° 09' 55" ; long. 88° 57' 50" ; alt. above sea level, 670' : mag. var., 3° 14' E. (1927) ; annual decrease, 3'. Distance and direction from city, 1% miles SE. of Deonore ; 0 miles SE. of Tonica. (Leonore is not a P. 0.)
Description: Size, 1,320' x 1,320'; acres, 40; shape, square. Surface, stubble and clover; gradient, slight slope to W.; drainage, tile, to NW. Landing strips or runways, none ; whole field available. Marking thereof, none.
Obstructions: Four-foot hedge fence on N.; wire fences on W. and S. Marking (day), none. Lighting, none.
Marking and Identification: Standard white circle, 50', in center. Name on hangar or in field, none. Other marking, " 20 SL-C on roof of power house; illuminated direction arrow at beacon. Wind direction indicator, on beacon tower, illuminated.
Lighting: beacon, NE. corner, 24" rotating, 6 r. p. m., 2,000,000 c. p. Boundary lights, white on 3' standards. Approach lights, none. Flood lights for landing, none. Other lighting, none.
Accommodations: Personnel for servicing, none. Landing fee, none; storage, none. Hangars, none. Repair facilities, at Leonore; spares, none. Specification fuel and oil, none. Guard, caretaker; fire apparatus, extinguisher in power house. Quarters. Leonore; meals, in Leonore. Transportation to city, good roads. First aid, Leonoie. Mooring mast, none.
Communication and signal equipment: Telephone, at caretaker's; telegraph, Leonoie. Radio, none.


Site No. 8, St. L.-C.
Class. Intermediate. Rating, . Owner, Thomas J. Palmer, Lowder, III.; operator, Department of Commerce, Washington, D. C. Caretaker, Robert K. Malabury, Lowder, III,
Position: Lat. 39° 33' 12"; long. 89° 52' 03"; alt. above sea level, 690'; mag. var. 4° 17' E., Jan. 1, 1927; annual decrease, 3'. Distance and direction from city, 1 mile NW. (298° true).
Description: Size, 1,900' x 1,900 x 1,180; acres, 40; shape, trapezoid. Surface, grass and stubble; gradient, - slight roll to center; drainage, tile drain to NW. corner. Landing strips or runways, none ; whole field available. Harking thereof, none.
Obstructions: Telephone pole line 10' high along north diagonal border of field; 8' hedge fence and orchard on S. Marking (day), none. Lighting, red, flashing 80-120 times a minute on pole line on N.
Marking and identification: Standard 50' white circle, yes. Name on hangar or in field, none. Other marking, St. L-C/6 on roof of power house; directional arrow at beacon. Wind direction indicator, illuminated, on beacon tower.
Lighting: Beacon, 24" rotating, 6 r. p. m., 2,000,000 c. p., in NW. corner; operated all night. Boundary lights, white, on 3' standards, marked by stars in sketch. Approach lights, none. Flood lights for landing, none. Other lighting, none.
Accommodations: Personnel for servicing, none. Landing fee, none; storage, none. Hangars, none.
Repair facilities, automobile mechanics at Lowder; spares, none. Specification fuel and oil, none. Guard, caretaker is available; fire apparatus, 1 quart fire extinguisher in power house. Quarters, none ; meals, none. Transportation to city, . First aid, Virden, 11l. Mooring mast, none.
Communication and. signal equipment: Telephone, at caretaker's; telegraph, Lowder, I1l. Radio, none.

Mason City

Department of Commerce Intermediate field, site 10, St. Louis-Chicago Airway. Four miles SE. of city. Altitude, 500 feet. Square, 40 acres, 1,320 by 1,320 feet, timothy meadow; level, natural drainage; entire field available. Directional arrow marked "St. L-C 10." Beacon and boundary lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating with green course lights flashing characteristic "10" ( ). No servicing facilities. 

Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 10, St. Louis-Chicago Airway. Four miles SE. of city. Altitude, 500 feet. Square, 40 acres, 1,320 by 1,320 feet, timothy meadow, level, natural drainage, entire Geld available. Directional arrow marked "SL-C 10." Beacon and boundary lights. Beacon, 24-Inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic- "10" ( ). No servicing facilities. 


Site 23, St. Louis-Chicago Airway (SL-C).
Class: Intermediate. Rating, . . Owner, Mrs. M. A. Williams, R. F. D. No. 4, Morris, 1Il.; operator. Department of Commerce. Caretaker, James C. Williams, R. F. D. No. 4.
Position: Lat. 41° 24' 11"; long. 88° 32' 40"; alt. above sea level, 600' ; mag., var. 2° 41' E. (1927) ; annual decrease, 3'. Distance and direction from city, 7 miles NW. (294°) from Morris.
Description: Size, 1,320' x 1,320'; acres, 40; shape, square. Surface, sod; gradient, level; drainage, tile, to the SE. Landing strips or runways, none; whole field available. Marking thereof, none.
Obstructions: Four-foot fence on N. and W. Marking (day), none. Lighting, none. Marking and identification: Standard 50' white circle, yes, in center. Name on hangar or in field, none. Other marking, " 23 SL-C" on roof of power house; illuminated direction arrow at beacon. Wind direction indicator, illuminated, on beacon tower.
Lighting: Beacon, NE. corner, 24" rotating, 6 r. p. m., 2,000,000 c. p. Boundary lights, white, on 3' standards. Approach lights, none. Flood lights for landing, none. Other lighting, none.
Accommodations: Personnel for servicing, none. Landing fee, none; storage, none. Hangars, none. Repair facilities, Morris, Ill.; spares, none. Specification fuel and oil, none. Guard, caretaker; fire apparatus, extinguisher in power house. Quarters, none; meals, none. Transportation to city, auto road. First aid, none. Mooring mast, none.
Communication and signal equipment: Telephone, caretaker's; telegraph, railway station at Morris, I11. Radio, none.
Remarks: Lighting system operated all night.

Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 29, Kansas City-Chicago Airway. Two miles E. L shape, 57 acres, sod, level, natural drainage; three landing strips, 2,640 by 500 feet E./W., 1,962 by 500 feet N./S., 2,300 feet NE./SW., entire field available. Directional arrow marked "29 KC-C." Pole lines to N. and W., trees and buildings to NW., SW-., and E., beacon tower and watch house to NW. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "9" ( .) • No servicing facilities. 

Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 29, Kansas City-Chicago Airway. Two miles E. L shape, 57 acres, sod, level, natural drain-age; three landing strips, 2,640 by 500 feet E./W., 1,962 by 500 feet N./S., 2,300 feet NE./SW., entire field available. Directional arrow marked "29 KC-C." Pole lines to N. and W., trees and buildings to NW., SW., and E., beacon tower and watch house to NW. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "9" ( .). No servicing facilities. Teletypewriter. Department of Commerce marker beacon, characteristic signal "U" (. . _), operating frequencies, 326, 350, and 278 kc. 


Site No. 25, Route No. 2.
Class: Intermediate. Rating, . Owner, Frank Day, route No. 5, Plainfleld, I1l.; operator, Department of Commerce.  Caretaker, Frank Day.''
Position:  Lat. 41° 80' 25" ; long. 88° 08' 40"; alt. above sea level, 835' ; mag. var.'2° 18' E.,1927; annual decrease, 3'. Distance and direction from city, 4 miles NK. (40° true).
Description: Size, 1,320' x 1.820'; acres, 40; shape, square. Surface, stubble and clqver ; gradient, level; drainage, tile, to W. side SE. corner. Landing strips or runways, none; entire field available. Marking thereof, none.
Obstructions: Wire fence on all sides, 4'. Marking (day), none. Lighting, none.
Marking and identification: Standard white circle, 50', in center. Name on hangar or in field, none. Other marking, directional arrow at beacon; site and route numbers on roof or power house. Wind-direction indicator, Illuminated, on beacon tower.
Lighting;  Beacon, SW. corner, 24" revolving, 6 r. p. m.; 2,000,000 c. p. ; operated all night. Boundary lights, white, on 4' standards. Approach lights, none. Flood lights for landing, none. Other lighting, none.
Accommodations: Personnel for servicing, none. Landing fee, none; storage, none. Hangars, none. Repair facilities at Plainfield; si Specification fuel and oil, none. Guard, caretaker of light; fire apparatus, fire extinguisher in power house. Quarters, none; meals, in city. Transportation to city, auto roads. First aid, none. Mooring mast, none.
Communication and signal equipment: Telephone at caretaker's; telegraph, in city. Radio, none.


Site 13, St. Louis-Chicago Airway (SL-C).
Class: Intermediate. Rating, , Owner, A. B. Sawyer Estate; operator, Department of Commerce. Caretaker, John W. Griffin, route 2, Pekin, III,
Position: Lat . 40° 29' 15", long. 89° 40' 18" ; alt . above sea level, 550'; mag. var., 3° 57' E., 1927 ; annual decrease, 3'. Distance and direction from city, 5% miles S. (194° true) from Pekin; % mile SW. (258° true) from South Pekin (not a P. O.).
Description: Size, 1,320' x 1.320'; acres, 40; shape, square. Surface, stubble; gradient, slight roll from E. to W.; drainage, natural. Landing strips or runways, none; whole field available. Marking thereof, none.
Obstructions: High-tension line % mile N.; 50' tree at SW. corner; 4' fence on all sides. Marking, day, none. Lighting, none. Marking and identification: Standard 50' white circle in center. Name on hangar or in field, none. Other marking, 13/SL-C on roof of power house; illuminated directional arrow at beacon. Wind direction indicator, illuminated, On beacon tower.
Lighting: Beacon, NE. corner, 24' rotating, 6 r. p. m., 2,000,000 c. p. Boundary lights, white on 3' standards. Approach lights, none. Flood lights for landing, none. Other lighting, none.
Accommodations: Personnel for servicing, none. Landing fee, none; storage, none. Hangars, none. Repair facilities, at South Pekin ; spares, none. Specification fuel and oil, none. Guard, caretaker; fire apparatus, extinguisher in power house. Quarters, In city; meals, in city. Transportation to city, none. First aid, In city. Mooring mast, none.
Communication and signal equipment: Telephone, at caretaker's; telegraph, none. Radio, none.

Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 13, St. Louis-Chicago Airway. Five and one-half miles N. of city of Pekin; ¾ mile SW. of South Pekin. Altitude, 550 feet. Square, 40 acres, 1,820 by 1,820 feet, stubble, slightly rolling from E. to W., natural drainage; entire field available. High tension line to N.; tree to SW. Directional arrow marked "13 St. L-C." Beacon and boundary lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "3" ( . . —). No servicing facilities.

Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 13, St. Louis-Chicago Airway. Five and one-half miles S. of city of Pekin; three-fourths mile SW. of South Pekin. Altitude, 550 feet. Square, 40 acres, 1,320 by 1.320 feet, stubble, slightly rolling from E. to W.. natural drainage: entire field available. High-tension line to N.: tree to SW. Directional arrow marked "13 SL-C." Beacon and boundary lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "3" (..._). No servicing facilities. 


A new intermediate landing is now in operation 2 miles north of Streator (lat. 41° 10': long. 88° 50'). This new field is L shaped, with an available triangular tract at the Junction of the runways, which are: North-south, 2,250 feet; east-west. 2,617 feet; northeast to southwest, approximately 2,000 feet. Approaches to the field from the north and west are free from obstructions. Approach to the east-west runway from the east is obstructed by trees, farm buildings, and a pole line which is marked with red lights. Approach to the north-south runway from the south is obstructed by trees which are to be cut in the near future. At present these trees are unmarked. A 24-inch 2,000.000 candlepower beacon is mounted on a 62-foot tower in the southeast corner of the east-west runway. The elevation of the main beam of this light, which shows six rotations per minute, is 1 ¾ ° above the horizon. At the base of the tower a concrete directional arrow has been established, the bearings of which are: Forward 57° azimuth true, 54° azimuth magnetic; backward 237° azimuth true. 234° azimuth magnetic. The day marking of this field consists of: A 50-foot yellow circle with two arms located at the Intersection of the runways: metal cones painted yellow and mounted on all boundary lights outlining the field; border strip markers painted yellow installed at all corners and also at intervals of approximately 1,000 feet along the boundary lines of the field. An illuminated wind cone is mounted on the beacon tower. For night flying, boundary lights outline the field and green approach lights indicate the best runways. The route designation "SL-C " and the number " 20" are painted on the roof of the power shed at the base of the tower. Green course lights mounted on the tower platform flash a code: Dash, dash. ( _ _).


De Kalb County Airport, municipal, rating. One mile E. of city, at intersection of two highways. Altitude 822 feet. L shape, 65 acres, 1,980 by 750 feet E./W., and 1,980 by 660 feet N./S. Pole line to S. and NE., beacon tower in SE. corner. Directional arrow marked "38 O-C." Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "8" ( . . .), operated by Department of Commerce. Facilities for servicing aircraft, day and night

De Kalb County Airport, municipal, rating . One mile E. of city, at intersection of two highways. Altitude, 822 feet. L shape. 65 acres. 1,980 by 750 feet E./W.. and 1,980 by 660 feet N./S. Pole line to S. and NF,. beacon tower in SE. corner. Directional arrow marked "38 O-C." Beacon boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-Inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "8" (— . . .), operated by Department of Commerce. Facilities for servicing aircraft, day and night. Tele-typewriter . 

Wayne City

Department of Commerce Intermediate field, site 10, St. Louis-Evansville Airway. One and one-half miles SW. Altitude, 430 feet T shape, 76 acres, sod, level, natural drainage; two landing strips 2.640 by 660 feet N./S., 1,880 by 660 feet E./W. Directional arrow marked "10 STL-E." Pole line and beacon tower to N. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "10" ( ). No servicing facilities.

Department of Commerce Intermediate field, site 10, St. Louis-Evansville Airway. One and one-half miles SW. Altitude. 430 feet. T shape. 76 acres, sod. level, natural drainage; two landing strips. 2.640 by 660 feet N./S., 1.880 by 660 feet E./W. Directional arrow marked "10 St. L-E." Pole line and beacon tower to N. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-Inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "10" (_ _). No servicing facilities. 


Department of Commerce Intermediate field, site 36, Kansas City-Chicago Airway. Three miles S. Altitude, 700 feet. L shape. 59 acres, sod, level, natural drainage; two landing strips, 2,500 by 500 feet N./S., 2,113 by 506 feet E./W.; entire field available except 500 feet at E. end of E./W. runway. Directional arrow marked "86 KC-O." Pole lines to N. and W., buildings and trees to NW./SB, beacon tower at SW. corner of E./W. runway. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "6" (_ . —). No servicing facilities. 

Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 36, Kansas City-Chicago Airway. Three miles S. Altitude, 700 feet. L shape, 59 acres, sod, level, natural drainage; two landing strips, 2,500 by 500 feet N./S., 2,113 by 506 feet E./W.; entire field available except 500 feet at E. end of E./W. runway. Directional arrow marked "36 KC-C." Pole lines to N. and W., buildings and trees to NW. and SB., beacon tower at SW., corner of E./W. runway. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-inch running, with green course lights flashing characteristic " 6" (— . —). No servicing facilities.

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