Antelope Valley
Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 5B, Los Angeles-San Francisco Airway. Located in Antelope Valley 25 miles airline N. of Saugus, Calif. Altitude, 3,000 feet. Rectangular, 75 acres, 3,000 by 1,000 feet, sod, level, natural drainage. Directional arrow marked "5B LA-SF." Beacon boundary, and approach lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "5" (. — .). No servicing facilities.
A 24-inch 2,000,000 candlepower beacon light, showing six rotations per minute, is in operation at the new intermediate landing field (LA-SF Site No. 26), located 2 miles south of Atwater. This beacon light was formerly located 5 miles west of Merced. An illuminated wind cone is mounted on the beacon tower, and two green course lights flash characteristic: Dash, dot, dash (_._). Boundary lights for night flying outline this field, which is 2,640 feet long by 1,320 feet wide, and green lights show best approaches. A watch house is located in the southwest corner of this site, on the roof of which the route and site number are painted. Twenty-four hour watch is maintained at this field and weather information is available. It is planned further to equip this facility with a concrete directional arrow and to install boundary cones on the light standards which outline the field.
Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 10. San Francisco-Salt Lake Airway. Three and one-half miles NW. of city. Altitude, 1,400 feet. Rectangular, 27% acres, 2,417 by 700 feet, loam, slight slope to center, natural drainage; entire field available. Directional arrow marked "10 SF-SL." Pole line to N, beacon tower to E. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, clear, flashing characteristic "10" (__ ). No servicing facilities. Teletype.
Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 16, Los Angeles-Amarillo Airway. One mile S. Altitude, 700 feet. L shape, 155 acres, "sod and dirt, level, natural drainage; three landing strips, N./S. and E./W., 3,960 by 660 feet, NW./SB., 4,000 feet. Directional arrow marked "16 LA-A." No obstructions. Beacon, boundary, and approach lights. Beacon, 36-inch rotating, showing alternate clear and green flashes. No servicing facilities.
Department of Commerce intermediate field, Site 16, Los Angeles-Salt Lake Airway. One mile N. of city and 6 miles N. of Soda Lake. Altitude, 1,000 feet. Square, 159 acres, 2,625 by 2,625 feet, sand, level, natural drainage. Directional arrow marked "16 LA-SL." Beacon tower on S. Beacon, boundary and approach lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "6" (_._). No servicing facilities.
Baldy Mesa
Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 6, Los Angeles-Amarillo Airway. Three and one-half miles W. of Hesperia, and 7 miles S. of Victorville, on U. S. Highway 66. Altitude, 3,550 feet. Triangular, 122 acres, 2,600 feet N./S., 2,640 feet E./W.; diagonal runway SW./NE., 3,700 feet, entire field available, sandy loam, slight slope to N., natural drainage. Directional arrow marked "6 LA-A." Beacon tower to SB. Beacon, boundary, approach and obstruction lights. Beacon 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "6" ( . ). Teletype. Aviation gas and oil available. No other servicing facilities. Department of commerce marker beacon, characteristic signal "U" (. . ) operating frequencies 332 and 278 kc.
Blue Canyon
Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 13, San Francisco-Salt Lake Airway. One and three-fourths miles N. of city; four and half miles SW. of Clyde Peak. Altitudes, 5,300 feet T shape, 37 acres, dirt surface, level natural drainage; two landing strips, 3,390 feet and 2,300 feet. Directional arrow marked "13 SF-SL." Pole lines to B. and N1. Beacon, boundary, approach and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24 Inch, rotating with green course lights flashing characteristic "3" (..._). No servicing facilities. Teletype.
Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 7, San Francisco-Seattle Airway. One mile N. Altitude, 500 feet. Triangular, 69 acres, 2,600 by 2,100 by 2,100 feet, gravel loam, slight slope to B., natural drainage. Directional arrow marked "7 SF-S." Trees to S flagpole and tower to SE. drainage ditch to N. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "7" (..). No servicing facilities.
Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 24, Los Angeles-San Francisco Airway. Two and one-half miles SW. Altitude, 150 feet. Rectangular, 80 acres, 2,640 by 1,320 feet, sod, level, natural drainage. Directional arrow marked "24 LA-SF." Power line to N. and W., beacon tower in NE corner. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "4" (....)• No servicing facilities.
Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 2A. San Francisco-Salt Lake City Airway. Three miles E. of city, eight miles NW. of Mount Diablo. Altitude, 100 feet. Triangular, 81 acres, black loam, level, natural drainage. Directional arrow marked "2A SF-SL." Pole line to NE., trees and beacon tower to NW. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "2" (. . ). Hangars, aviation fuel, day and night. Teletype.
Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 10B, Los Angeles-Amarillo Airway. Six miles E. of Daggett, Calif. Altitude, 2,006 feet L-shape. 145 acres, E/W. 3,870 feet by N./S., 3,250 feet. Diagonal landing strip SW./NE. 4,200 feet, sand and gravel, natural drainage. Directional arrow marked "10B, LA-A." Beacon tower and watch houses located along NW. diagonal boundary. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24- inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "10" (_— )•Radio range beacon, identifying signal "K" (_._), operating frequency 248 kc. Marker beacon, characteristic signal "I" (. .), frequency 248 kc, under construction. Teletypewriter. No servicing facilities.
Delta, California page 13.—Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 22, San Francisco-Seattle Airway. One-fourth mile SW. Altitude, 1,400 feet. Irregular shape, 2,150 by 330 feet N./S., level, natural drainage. Directional arrow marked “22 SF-S." Pole line to N. and S., beacon tower to SW. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "2" (. . _). No servicing facilities.
Fairfield-Suison, California page 14.—Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 4, San Francisco-Seattle Airway. Two miles E. on Bio Vista Highway. Altitude, 12 feet. Rectangular, 80 acres, 2,640 by 1,820 feet, black loam, level, natural drainage. Directional arrow marked "4 SF-S." Pole line to S., beacon tower to S/W. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-Inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "4" (....) No servicing facilities.
Department of Commerce Intermediate field, site 4, Los Angeles-Amarillo Airway. One and one-half miles N. of city. Altitude, 1,600 feet. Triangular, 91 acres, 2,640 feet N./S., 2,227 feet E./W.; loam, sand, and gravel, natural drainage. Directional arrow marked "4 LA-A." Beacon tower and short pole line on E. Beacon, boundary, and approach lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "3" (. . . —). Radio range beacon, operating frequency 332 kcs. (._.). No servicing facilities. Teletype.
Department of Commerce Intermediate field, site 21, Los Angeles-Amarillo Airway. Two and one-half miles E. Altitude, 2,500 feet. L shape, ]55 acres, sod and dirt, level, natural drainage; three landing strips, N./S., and E./W., 8,960 by 660 feet; NW./SE., 4,000 feet Directional arrow marked "21, LA-A." Pole line 1,000 feet S. Beacon, boundary, and approach lights. Beacon, 86-inch rotating, showing alternate green and clear flashes. No servicing facilities. |
(LA- SL Site No. 7) A 24-inch 2,000,000-candlepower beacon, showing six rotations per minute, elevation of main beam above horizon 1 ½°, is in operation approximately 3 miles west of Hesperia. This beacon is mounted on a 51-foot tower located on the southeast side of the field about 450 feet northeast of the south boundary line. Two green course lights flash characteristic seven: Dash, dot, dot ( . .). An illuminated wind cone is mounted on the beacon tower, and a concrete directional arrow is located at the base. White boundary lights for night-flying operations outline the field, with green approach lights indicating runways and red lights marking the obstruction. Metal cones painted yellow are mounted on boundary light standards. Wood day boundary markers are also installed adjacent to boundary cones at the reentrant angles of the field and at intervals between to mark out the perimeter of the field. A 90-foot circle marker has been established in the center of the field.
This intermediate landing field (SF-S Site No. 29-B), is now lighted. An electric code beacon is mounted on a 51-foot tower which is located in the northeast corner of the field ; concrete directional arrow at base of tower. Metal cones painted yellow and mounted on fill boundary light standards outline the field. Boundary lights for night flying outline the field, with green lights showing the approaches. A Department of Commerce standard acetylene route beacon, mounted on a 51-foot tower, is in operation approximately 5 ½ miles north of this field.
(Cima) Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 18, Los Angeles-Salt Lake airway. Twenty-four miles N., of city, and 6 miles N., of Valley Wells, in a valley between Clark, Shadow, and Kingston Mountains. Altitude, 3,200 feet. Triangular, 78 acres, 2,350 by 1,925 feet, gravel and silt, level, natural drainage; entire field available. Directional arrow mark "18 LA-SL." Beacon tower in SE. corner. Beacon and boundary lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green coarse lights flashing characteristic "8" (—. . .) No servicing facilities.
Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 33, Los Angeles-San Francisco Airway. One-half mile NW. Altitude, 473 feet. Irregular shape, 77 acres, 2,169 by 2,018 feet, sod, level, natural drainage. Directional arrow marked "33 LA-SF." Pole lines to N. and W., trees to E., windmill and beacon tower In SE. corner. Beacon, boundary, approach and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "3" (...—). No servicing facilities. Teletype.
Mount Shasta
Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 26A, San Francisco-Seattle Airway. Six miles N. Altitude. 3,600 feet. Irregular shape, 70 acres. 1,775 by 200 feet N./S., 1.710 by 180 feet NW./SE., sod, level, natural drainage. Directional arrow marked "26 A SF-S." Low mounds to SE., beacon tower and pole line to NE. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "6 "(—.—). No servicing facilities.
Department of Commerce Intermediate field, site 3, San Diego-Los Angeles Airway. Three miles N., between Highway 101 and Pacific Ocean. Altitude, 20 feet. Irregular, 100 acres, sod, level, natural, drainage; two landing strips, 2,800 feet N./S. and 2,500 feet E./W.; entire field also available. Directional arrow marked "3 SD-LA." Pole line along highway, Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-Inch, rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "3 "(..._). No servicing facilities. Teletype.
Patrero, California page 19.—Department of Commerce Intermediate field, site 3B, San Diego-El Paso Airway. Adjoins city on E., thirty miles E. of San Diego. Altitude, 2,323 feet. Rectangular, 35 acres, 3,100 by 600 feet, sod, level, natural drainage. Directional arrow marked "3B, SD-ELP" Pole line to S. Beacon, boundary, and approach lights. Beacon, green, flashing characteristic "3" (..._). No servicing facilities.
Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 3A Los Angeles-San Francisco Airway. One mile S. Altitude, 150 feet. Rectangular, 34 acres. 2,470 by 600 feet, sod, level, natural drainage. Directional arrow marked "3A LA-SF." Pole line to E. leading to beacon tower, power lines from 1/2 to 3/4 mile to E. and W. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "3"(..._). No servicing facilities. Teletype.
Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 7, Los Angeles- San Francisco Airway. Twenty-seven miles S. of Bakersfield, 11% miles SW. of Tejon. Altitude, 900 feet. Square, 160 acres, 2,640 by 2,640 feet, sandy gravel, slight slope to S., natural drainage. Directional arrow marked "7 LA-SF." Pole lines to N. and E. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "7" ( . .). No servicing facilities. Teletype.
(Site No. 30).—A 2.000.000 candlepower, 24-lnch beacon, showing six rotations per minute, is in operation approximately 2 ½ miles southeast of Deter, Oreg. Elevation of main beam above horizon 1 ½ °. A concrete directional arrow has been placed at the base of the tower, on which this light is mounted. Forward bearings N. 6° W. magnetic; backward bearings S. 42° E. magnetic.
Truckee, California page 23.—Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 16B, San Francisco-Salt Lake Airway. Four miles NE. Altitude, 5,600 feet. L shape, 113 acres, decomposed rock, level, natural drainage. Two landing strips, 2,575 feet and 2,858 feet. Directional arrow marked "16B SF-SL." Pole line to SE. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "6" ( . ). No servicing facilities. Teletype.
Valley Wells
(LA-SL Site No. 20) A 24-inch 2,000,000-candlepower beacon, showing six rotations per minute, elevation of main beam above horizon 1%°, is in operation Approximately 7 miles north of Valley Wells. This beacon is mounted on a 51-foot tower located on the east side of the field about 450 feet north of the south boundary line. Two green course lights flash characteristic ten: Dash, dash (_ _). An illuminated wind cone is mounted on the beacon tower, with concrete directional arrow at the base of the tower. White boundary lights for night-flying operations outline the field while green approach lights indicate runways. Metal cones painted turquoise blue are mounted on boundary light standards. Wood day boundary markers are also installed adjacent to boundary cones at the reentrant angles of the field and at intervals between to mark out the perimeter of the field. A 90-foot circle marker has been established in the center of the field. A caretaker is at the field at all times.
Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 30, Los Angeles-San Francisco Airway. Two and one-half miles SW. Altitude, 85 feet. Rectangular, 80 acres, 2,640 by 1,320 feet, sod, level, natural drainage. Directional arrow marked "30 LA-SF." Pole line to N. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "10" ( ). No servicing facilities.
Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 9, San Francisco-Seattle Airway. Three and one-half miles S. Altitude, 130 feet. Rectangular, 80 acres, 2,640 by 1,320 feet, sod, level, natural drainage; entire field available. Directional arrow marked "9 SF-S." Pole line to N., beacon tower to NE. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "9" ( .) Small supply of aviation fuel, day and night. Teletype. .
Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 12, San Francisco- Seattle Airway. One and one-half miles W. Altitude. 140 feet. Irregular shape, 85 acres, 2,781 by 2,500 feet, sod, level, natural drainage. Directional arrow marked "12 SF-S." Pole line to N. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, with green course lights flashing characteristic "2" (.._). No servicing facilities.
Department of Commerce intermediate field, site No. 6B, San Francisco-Seattle Airway. Three and one-half miles NE. Altitude, 150 feet L shape, 85 acres. Sod, level, natural drainage; three landing strips. 3,380 feet N./S., 2,610 feet E./VV., and 2,800 feet NE./SW. Pole line to NW. Directional arrow marked "6B, SF-S." Beacon, boundary, and approach lights. Beacon, 24-inch rotating, green. (This field under construction.)