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62 LA-A Grants-Milan Airport

GPS: 35.166517, -107.898270

Metal Arrow

Photos submitted by Steve Owen

Location / Airway

Location / Name

NEW MEXICO:  Cibola County

Grants-Milan Airport, recreation of site No. 62, Los Angeles-Albuquerque

GPS: 35.166517, -107.898270

Contract Air Mail for site No. 62

CAM #34 Los Angeles-New York
Los Angeles-Amarillo airway
Albuquerque-Amarillo section


Transcontinental & Western Air (TAT)


Observations and Notes

Grants was first reported by Bob Hausler on June 5, 1925 as an Emergency Landing field.  The Aeronautical Bulletin No. 433, States Series, February 2, 1926 (shown at left, it is clickable and will open a new page so you can view it) gives the following description:
Located 2 miles west of Grants in a valley southwest of railroad and Old Trails Highway.
Field is 1,320 feet north and south by 3, 900 feet east and west.
The surface is sandy and fairly good for landing.

In 1952 a new airport was built in Grants, New Mexico.  It has an activation date of 08/01/1952. A newspaper article from the Grants Beacon dated September 17, 1953, says that after considerable time spent looking for a location it was finally decided that land owned by Mr. and Mrs. Salvador Milan would make the best choice for a new airport.  They were contacted and the whole plan was presented to them an immediate agreement was reached for the use of this land at no cost to the Town or the Government.  Unfortunately the first choice turned out to be unacceptable for various reasons,  The Milan's generously donated another piece of land where the airport was built and dedicated on September 20, 1953. There are 2 runways located on 365 acres.

In 2011 the Cibola County Historical Society began to develope an air history museum and interpretive site at the Grants-Milan Airport.
They have recreated a typical beacon site from the 1920's complete with concrete arrow.  It is an impressive collection that is a must see.
Some of their artifacts include:


Larger Photo of this article you may have to scroll to page 36


Larger Photo of this "Astronomical Clock"


Larger size Restoration Photo


Larger Photo of Electrical Box with Astronomical Clock

Kohler Generator

Kohler Generator


12 " Appollo Beacon



Contributors Photos

2 photos from Steve Owen



Western New Mexico Aviation Hertiage Museum

Cibola Beacon- More than eight decades of history

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