Description |
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Hachita.—Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 60B, San Diego-El Paso Airway. East of town, S. of Southern Pacific Railroad. Altitude, 4,513 feet. Rectangular, sod, level, natural drainage; two landing strips, 3,756 by 700 feet E./W., 2,500 feet. N./S. Directional arrow marked " 60B, SD-ELP" Pole line to N. Beacon, boundary, and approach lights. Beacon, green, flashing characteristic "10" (_ _). No servicing facilities. |
September 1, 1931 |
Airway Bulletin No. 2
page 95 |
Hachita.—Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 60B, San Diego-El Paso Airway. One-half mile west of town, S. of Southern Pacific Railroad. Altitude, 4,513 feet, 145 acres, sod. level, natural drainage two landing strips, 3,756 by 700 feet E./W., 2,500 by 100 feet N./S. Directional arrow marked "60B SD-ELP." Pole line to N., wash along old road to S., marked with red flags in daytime and red lanterns at night, pump towers to N. Beacon, boundary, and approach lights. Beacon, electric code, green flashing characteristic "10" (_ _ ). No servicing facilities. |
September 1, 1932 |
Airway Bulletin No. 2
page 103 |
Hachita.—Department of Commerce intermediate field, site 60B, San Diego-El Paso Airway. One half mile west of town, S. of Southern Pacific Railroad. Altitude, 4,500 feet; sod, level, natural drainage; two landing strips, 3^756 feet E./W., 2,500 feet N./S.; entire field available. Shed roof marked "60B SD-E1 P.'' Pole line to N., pump towers to N., house to E. Beacon, boundary, approach and obstruction lights. Beacon, electric code, green flashing characteristic "10" (_ _ ). No servicing facilities. |
June 1, 1933 |
Airway Bulletin No. 2
page 102 |
Hachita.—Department of Commerce intermediate field, site GOB, San Diego-El Paso Airway. One-half mile west of town, S. of Southern Pacific Railroad. Altitude, 4,500 feet. Irregular sod, level, natural drainage; two landing strips, 3,756 feet E./W., 2,500 feet N./S.; entire field available. Shed roof marked "60B SD-ELP." Pole line to N., pump towers to N., house to E. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, electric code, green flashing characteristic "10" (_ _). No servicing facilities. |
September 1, 1934 |
Airway Bulletin No. 2
page 115 |
Hachita.—Department of Commerce Intermediate field, site 60B, San Diego-El Paso Airway. One-half mile W. of town, S. of Southern Pacific Railroad. Lat. 31°55'; long. 108°21'. Alt. 4,500 feet. Irregular, sod, level, natural drain-age; two landing strips. 3,756 feet E./W., 2,500 feet N./S.; entire field available. Shed roof marked "60B SD-ELP." Pole line to N., pump towers to N., house to E. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, electric code, green flashing characteristic "10" (_ _). No servicing. |
January 1, 1937 |
Airway Bulletin No. 2
page 128 |
Hachita.—Department of Commerce Intermediate field, site 29B, Phoenix-El Paso Airway. One-half mile W. of town, S. of Southern Pacific Railroad. Lat. 31°55'; long. 108°21'. Alt. 4,500 feet. Irregular, dirt, level, natural drain-age; two landing strips, 3,756 feet E./W., 2,500 feet N./S.; entire field available. Shed roof marked "29B P-ELP." Pole line to N., pump towers to N., house to E. Beacon, boundary, approach, and obstruction lights. Beacon, electric code, green, flashing characteristic "9" ( .) No servicing. |
January 1, 1938 |
Airway Bulletin No. 2
page 129 |