The Lake Walcott Arrow is located on a large prairie just north of I-84.
For us to reach it though we had to take back-county roads, and then a dirt road across a large field. The closest we could get to it by car was ¾ of a mile. While my wife stayed in the car, I started hiking through the prairie grass to the arrow. In a lot of spots the grass was 3-4 feet high, and in addition I had to weave my way large groups of sage brush.
The arrow is located on a very small rise out in the middle of this tall grass, and is hidden as you approach. You can’t see until you’re standing right on the top of it. If it wasn’t for a GPS locator app on my smart phone, and a regular compass, I would have missed it completely.
The arrow is intact and in basically good condition. However, someone has piled a large group of rocks on the center concrete pad where the beacon stood, and on the arrow tip itself. All that’s left of the rear concrete pad where the generator shed stood is the outside concrete footing. The arrow is 62 feet in length.
The pilot would approach the tail of the arrow on a compass heading of 330° (N-NW), and then exit the arrow on a compass heading of 277° (W).
All measurements and compass headings are approximate.